Are your sidewalks uneven or damaged? Are you looking for a suitable solution to repair your uneven sidewalks? Firstly, it is important to understand that the repair is possible for minor damages only. Whereas for major damages, the sidewalks are replaced and reconstructed.

Secondly, the solution for the damaged sidewalk depends on the type of damage. There are different repair methods according to the damage. You can call upon an expert sidewalk repair contractor to suggest the most suitable solution for the sidewalk. In this blog, you will learn the best 5 ways to fix uneven sidewalks in NYC.

5 Best Methods to Quickly Fix Sidewalks

Concrete Grinding

If some part of the concrete slab is raised from the rest of the sidewalk, the raised part can be removed. A concrete grinder is used to grind the excess concrete. This gives a flawless and smooth surface to the sidewalk.

Polymeric Sand Filling

The polymeric sand is used to fill small holes and gaps. The sand is mixed with water and a binding agent to keep it intact. This creates a smooth surface on the sidewalk. Larger cracks and holes are hard to fix with the polymeric sand mixture.


The uneven and sloping sidewalks can be fixed by pumping a mixture of sand, water and cement into the sunken area. This is a conventional method to maintain the level of the sidewalk. The mudjacking includes extensive drilling of the affected area. The grout used for pumping must have a suitable consistency.

Polyurethane Injection

Polyurethane is a type of foam that is used to treat uneven sidewalks. The foam is injected under the sunken slabs. This method is modern, effective and more resilient. The foam is a water repellant that does not allow the seepage of water into the soil and keeps the sidewalks at an even level.

Concrete Layering

Large depressions and holes are fixed by layering the concrete mixture. The layers are then smoothed to make them equal to the level of the rest of the sidewalk. If the concrete is not layered properly, the sidewalk will remain uneven. This method is quick and does not require hard construction.

Which Method is Best For You?

The method that you need for fixing your sidewalks depends on the following factors:

Severity of Damage

For the minor damages, layering and grinding are sufficient. But if the damage is intense, you need to change the method. For example, if you have just holes and pits, you can fill them with polymeric sand. But if the slab is sunken, you need to fill in the foam or use the mud jacking method.

Cost of Repair

The repair cost has a significant role in deciding the method. For instance, mudjacking and polyurethane are both methods used for repairing uneven sidewalks. But mudjacking is cheaper than polyurethane injection.

Soil and land Features

The type of soil and landscape also determine which method must be applied. If the soil is too hard, it gets hard to drill. Similarly, too much moisture in the soil also causes trouble in construction.


If the sidewalks get uneven, they pose damage to the environment and pedestrians. To stay compliant with NYC DOT regulations, you must repair your sidewalks. The repair of sidewalks may require the assistance of an expert contractor. Sidewalk Repairs Bronx has the most skilled team to fix any damage to your uneven sidewalks. 

Our expert contractors at Sidewalk Repairs Bronx follow the proper methodology to fix your sidewalks. Firstly, they address the cause of the damage. They consider your budget and other physical issues, like the type of land. Then they suggest the most appropriate solution. They use high-quality materials and efficient tools to repair your uneven sidewalks.